Frequently asked questions
- Is VCIS part of Visalia Unified School District?
- VCIS is the only Visalia Unified independent study school. VCIS adopts the same district core courses and texts for consistency.
- Can my student be enrolled at VCIS and another high school at the same time?
- No. However, courses that are not offered at VCIS and are available at other VUSD high schools may be taken upon administrative approval.
- Can my student be enrolled at VCIS and play sports at another high school?
- Yes
- Does VCIS have a graduation ceremony?
- Yes, we have a full graduation ceremony annually in the Mineral King Bowl. We average 225 graduates annually.
- Can students graduate from VCIS and attend a university?
- Yes, VCIS is WASC accredited, as well as UC and NCAA approved
- Does VCIS provide college and career support assistance?
- Yes
- Can students attend VCIS and COS concurrently?
- Yes
- Can my student attend all-school district dances?
- VCIS students are part of the district and allowed to go to all-school district dances such as Harvest, Winter Formal, Spring Fling and Prom.
- Does my student have to attend classes at VCIS?
- Students are required to attend a weekly meeting with their supervising teacher, as well as any classroom courses in which they enroll.
- Does VCIS provide child care for teen parents?
- Yes
- Does VCIS provide special education services?
- Yes; however, VCIS does not provide skills level courses.
We do not live in Visalia, can my student still attend VCIS?
Students residing in Tulare County, or any county that touches Tulare County may enroll at VCIS