Upcoming Events
School Registration
The application for enrollment is open for the 2024-25 school year. The enrollment process is done completely online by clicking HERE.
Once your application has been submitted, you will be contacted by a site secretary to schedule an orientation as spots become available.
Financial Aid Application Support
Drop in Wednesdays in January and February 12:00-1:00pm for support in completing your FAFSA application.
VCIS Student Services-Room 116
Bring your Chromebook!
VUSD Financial Aid Workshop
Seniors and Families,
Come receive support filling out your FAFSA/CADAA application. Click HERE to RSVP.
eSports will start on Tuesday, January 28th and will meet weekly from 3:00-4:15. Come check it out!
COS Preview Night
This event is for high school seniors graduating in 2025. Learn more about what COS has to offer you! Families are welcome to attend. RSVP TODAY! Click HERE to reserve your spot.
COS Admissions Application Workshop
Coming Soon! The COS Admission Workshop will be held Wednesday, March 19th at 3:00. If you are planning to attend COS in the Summer or Fall 2025, sign up to attend the workshop.
COS Jump Start
Apply today! The College of the Sequoias (COS) Jump Start Internship Program is a four-week summer program that provides high school juniors with real-world experience and industry certifications. Applications due February 14, 2025.
Grade Level Remind
Be sure to sign up for the appropriate REMIND group to receive important announcements and reminders via text message.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-choice test that helps students and military applicants identify their strengths and interests, and find a career that matches them.
If you would like to take the ASVAB test, please reach out to your Supervising Teacher to sign up. The ASVAB test will be offered on February 3rd.
Do you need help filling out the financial aid application for college? Click HERE to RSVP for the February 13th workshop.
VUSD Athletics
Did you know you can attend VCIS and participate in sports? VCIS students that live in the VUSD boundaries have the ability to participate in athletics at their "home" comprehensive high school. Talk to the athletic director at your "home school" for more details.
Grades 9th-12th
550 Students
Main Program OR
Online Program
9 CTE Pathways
Design, Visual and Media Arts
Health Science-Patient Care
Performing Arts
Production and Managerial Arts
Individualized Learning Plan
for every student